What do I get from the CompareMySolar Solar PV Calculator?
Enter your postcode in the box above and instantly compare solar panels from local solar installers. Optionally select your own roof on Google Maps to refine the results for your own roof. Go ahead, get started:
Explore the solar PV potential of your own roof
Find out what the new Feed-in-Tariff means for you
View 100+ solar panel quotes online instantly
Understand savings and payback time, all based on your roof
Compare local installers based on experience and reputation
Choose installers and request free site visits directly online
How accurate is our Solar PV Calculator?
Accurate roof size taken from Google Maps measurement
Detailed solar PV irradiation data specific to your location
Industry standard tilt and orientation factor and shading impact
Key assumptions for financial returns are adjustable by the user
Prices are managed by installers and always up–to–date
CompareMySolar is the personal solar PV calculator that lets you compare options based on your home before you decide to buy. We make comparing solar quick and easy, so get started now!
More: PV Solar Panels Cost - Solar Panel Companies - Solar Installers
Compare Solar Panels with CompareMySolar – all online, quick and easy.